Things can be made simpler
Make It Simple was founded in February 2015. Our mission to strive for simpler processes, understandable insights, and consistent brand building was borne out of our frustration with complex practices.
Experience has taught us that things can be made simpler. Make it Simple is a response to rigid internal processes, quasi-working, oversized teams, and trivial pseudo-strategies, which are as empty as they are long.
It all begins with a distinctive concept
In today’s media jungle and flood of information, it is easier than ever to ignore marketing communications completely. Only the best and sometimes brutally simple ideas can break through the wall of indifference and get results.
Marketing without a creative idea is indifferent, and without a lasting concept, it’s incoherent. Our job is to create differentiating and effective marketing concepts.
Make It Simple’s services
- Creative strategy: insight
- Concept development
- Media independent storytelling
- Project management and production control
- One stop shop
"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough."
— Albert Einstein